In Duleek Care Centre there is availability for 121 residents. Accommodation is configured to address the needs of all potential residents and includes superior single and companion accommodation with large ensuites.
Duleek Care Centre is set in landscaped gardens and there are outdoor areas along with a planting garden. The home is ideal for residents who wish to spend time outdoors and the care centre also provides a wide variety of recreational activities and tranquil spaces.
The home is furnished to the highest design standards with a number of lounges for residents and visitors offering peaceful places to take in the views. This can be at the Coffee Dock where you and your visitors can sit and enjoy the refreshments. Residents enjoy nutritious meals in the bright and spacious dining rooms where choice is encouraged from our extensive, freshly cooked daily menu. An extensive activities schedule is provided. Duleek Care Centre has a dedicated laundry facility on-site.
The aim of the Duleek Care Centre team is to deliver highest standards of quality care within a peaceful environment.
Activities and Entertainment
The home provides a wide array of activities and entertainment for residents such as hosting the Drogheda Male Voice Choir here in Duleek as part of our activities. They were absolutely beautiful to listen to. An afternoon enjoyed by our residents, their families, and our staff.
All of our care homes employ activity coordinators to manage entertainment and activities that enrich the daily lives of residents.

Relatives Information and Support Group
Each nursing home has a Relatives Information and Support Group. The group works in partnership with the nursing home to maintain and improve the quality of life for the residents in the home.
The group meets on a quarterly basis at an agreed date and time, depending on the wishes of the members; and facilitates a close working partnership with residents, relatives, management and staff of the nursing home.
The group aims to contribute to, and oversee, effective changes in the nursing home. We also aim to identify opportunities and encourage initiatives to enhance the environment of the home.
We occasionally host information and education seminars at these meetings on topics of interest. All relatives and friends are welcome to attend and we encourage participation as the meetings are a positive and beneficial attribute for both relatives and residents of the nursing home.